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A magical herb given by God - Gastrodia elata——Part One


A magical herb given by God - Gastrodia elata——Part One


one,Gastrodia elata: a medicinal food passed down for thousands of years

Gastrodia elata, listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 edition), is the dried tuber of the orchid plant Gastrodia elata Bl. Its tuber is oblong or oval, with ring patterns, thick and cylindrical, yellow-brown in color, and grows in the thick humus under the forest. The optimum growth temperature is 15-28℃.
Gastrodia elata tastes sweet, is neutral in nature, and enters the liver meridian. According to the Shennong's Herbal Classic, Gastrodia elata can "kill evil spirits, poisons, and evil spirits, and long-term use can increase energy, make the yin grow, and make the body thin and long-lived." According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, "Gastrodia elata is a medicine for the liver meridian qi." In addition, the following is the record of Gastrodia elata in the Bencao Huiyan: "It can cure headaches, dizziness, epilepsy, convulsions, limb cramps, speech disorders, all strokes, and wind phlegm." This shows thatGastrodia elata can be used to improve head symptoms.

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On November 9, 2023, Gastrodia elata was included in the list of "substances that are traditionally both food and Chinese medicinal materials". Gastrodia elata has a history of being eaten in provinces such as Guizhou and Yunnan. It is mainly used for stewing meat, cooking, and hot pot, and is generally eaten normally according to traditional habits. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Gastrodia elata has the effects of dispelling wind and calming nerves, calming the liver and calming wind, and relieving pain. Modern scientific research has found that Gastrodia elata also has the effects of increasing intelligence, strengthening the brain, and delaying aging.

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