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Do you know the difference between barley grass powder and wheat grass powder?


Do you know the difference between barley grass powder and wheat grass powder?

2024-06-13 15:35:37

The difference between barley and wheat
We are exposed to barley grass powder andwheat grasspowder. Do you know the difference between the two? How to choose when eating? I will tell you all in detail below.
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The stems are different
The stems of wheat are slender, clustered, upright, with 6 to 7 nodes, generally 60 to 100 cm in height and 5 to 7 mm in width, and are loosely wrapped by the sheath of leaves; the leaves of wheat are long lanceolate, with Membranous ligule about 1 cm long. The stems of barley are shorter than wheat, upright and smooth, 50 to 100 centimeters high. The leaves are flat with lanceolate ears and 9 to 20 centimeters in length.
Wheat flowers are different
Both wheat and wheat flower and bear fruit, but their flowering times are different. The inflorescence of wheat is spike-shaped, about 5 to 10 cm long and 1 to 1.5 cm wide, with 3 to 9 flowers inside; the inflorescence of barley has the same shape as wheat, but is shorter, only 3 to 8 cm wide. About 1.5 cm.
Fruits are different
After the wheat matures, the fruit is wrapped by a yellow-brown peel. The shape is flat, round or oval, with slightly pointed or blunt ends. Inside is white powder, which is our common flour. The fruit of barley is oval in shape, and the kernels are wrapped in lemma husks.
Different nutritional values
Barley sprout powder contains more fiber than wheat sprout powder, so it is more suitable for people who want to detoxify, lose weight, and clean their intestines. Barley grass powder is a pure natural food without any harmful side effects. It can strengthen the immunity of normal cells, thereby inhibiting the production of cancer cells and effectively blocking the transformation and deterioration of cancer cells. For those who are losing weight, metabolic waste often creates an acidic body during weight loss, making people prone to fatigue and lowering their metabolic rate. Therefore, using barley grass powder can balance the pH value in the body, making weight loss smoother and easier.asd (6)2au
Wheat seedlings are rich in plant protein, chlorophyll, antioxidant enzymes, dietary fiber and other nutrients. Wheat powder is rich in chlorophyll, which has a very similar structure to the heme in human blood. The only difference is that the oxygen-carrying ions in the center of the structure are iron ions and chlorophyll are magnesium ions. It can effectively eliminate the harm of chemicals such as artificial preservatives in food. It has powerful anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, anti-cancer, and deodorizing effects. It can remove garbage from the body. Chlorophyll contains a large amount of minerals and alkaline substances, which help the body Regulate acid-base balance in the body. Therefore,wheatgrass powderhelps hemoglobin function, promotes metabolism in the body and eliminates cellular waste.
Both barley and wheat are rich in nutritional value. Wheat can nourish the heart, kidneys, blood and spleen. There are also 4 major uses: removing troubles and stopping bleeding. Diuretic, moisturizing the lungs. Bread and snacks, especially whole-wheat bread, are anti-depressant foods and have certain effects on relieving mental stress and tension. Eating whole grain foods can reduce the content of estrogen in the blood circulation, thus achieving the purpose of preventing and treating breast cancer. For menopausal women, eating unprocessed wheat can relieve menopausal symptoms. Wheat flour has the effects of skin rejuvenation, wrinkle removal, and freckle removal. The insoluble dietary fiber in wheat can prevent constipation and cancer. Barley is sweet in taste and mild in nature. It has the functions of regulating diabetes, improving fatty liver, laxative, calming the stomach and quenching thirst, quenching thirst and removing heat, replenishing Qi and regulating the middle, widening the chest and lowering Qi, eliminating food accumulation, replenishing deficiency, strengthening blood vessels and color, and treasures the five internal organs. It has the effect of transforming grains into grains, treating stranguria when urinating; treating wheat awns in the eyes; treating polydipsia, irregular drinking, dry and scorched tongue in the elderly; treating water-gas diseases; clearing heat in summer; treating acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and throat abscesses.
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