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Take stock of those natural plants with aphrodisiac effects. How many do you know?-Part TWO


Take stock of those natural plants with aphrodisiac effects. How many do you know?-Part TWO

7.Tribulus Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris L.) belongs to the genus Tribulus in the Tribulus family. The dried and mature fruits are used as medicine. Its flowers, seedlings, and roots have also been recorded as medicinal. The main chemical components include saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins, etc. Among them, the total saponins of Tribulus terrestris can promote sperm production, increase sexual desire, promote estrus in female rats, and improve reproductive capacity. Clinical studies have found that Tribulus terrestris can increase men’s sperm count and motility, treat male sexual dysfunction, increase women’s ovarian function, and prevent menopausal syndrome [15]. Adimoelja A.[16] Clinical studies have shown that protodiosgenin in Tribulus terrestris can enhance erectile capabilities and promote sexual desire by converting it into dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the body. 8.Cistanche deserticola Cistanche deserticola Y. C.Ma belongs to the Cistanche deserticola plant in the Orobanchiaceae family and is an endangered species. Its medicinal parts are dry fleshy stems with scales. The main chemical components that have been isolated include phenylethanol glycosides, iridoids, Lignans, polysaccharides, alkaloids, etc. Among them, total phenylethanoid glycosides are the main active ingredient in Cistanche deserticola. It has many functions such as aphrodisiac, antioxidant, memory enhancement, etc., and the research on this ingredient is also in-depth. Cistanche deserticola water decoction can significantly increase and enhance the number and viability of mouse sperm, increase the sperm running speed, reduce the sperm abnormality rate, enhance the testicular spermatogenic function, and improve the microenvironment of the epididymal duct. At the same time, in the first phase, Yang Hongxiu, et al. : Research Progress of Medicinal Plants with Aphrodisiac Effect No. 77 The fructose content in seminal plasma is an important component that reflects the function of the epididymis. The fructose content in the medication group was significantly higher than that in the control group. Histochemical studies showed that the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and non-specific lipase (NSE) reactions were strongly positive, indicating that Cistanche deserticola does have the effect of aphrodisiac and kidney. 9.dogwood Dogwood (Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.) belongs to the genus Cornus of the Cornus family. The medicinal parts are the dried and mature pulp. Dogwood contains a variety of chemical components, mainly volatile components, glycosides and aglycones, organic acids, tannins, iridoids, etc. Cornus polysaccharide is the main bioactive substance of Cornus officinalis and can improve the sexual function of semi-castrated rats. The mechanism may be by promoting and improving the functional regulation system of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis [18]. Dogwood water-soluble material can reverse the testicular organ coefficients of rats with kidney-yang deficiency to the normal direction and increase the RNA content in testicular interstitial cells, suggesting that it has a significant effect in replenishing kidney-yang. 10 curculigo Curculigo (Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.) belongs to the Amaryllidaceae Curculigo plant. The dried rhizomes are used as medicine and mainly contain chemical components such as glycosides, saponins, phenols, and tannins. Research by Zhang Mei et al. [20] showed that curculin A may be an effective ingredient in tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang. Dong Guoming et al. [21] found that both aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Curculigo can significantly increase the weight of mice and prolong swimming time. This may be related to the kidney-tonifying and yang-enhancing effect of Curculigo. The mechanism of action may be Curculigo extract. It has a restorative effect on serum superoxide dismutase (SOD), serum Zn/Cu ratio, and plasma cAMP/cGMP levels in SD rats with Yang deficiency type. 11.Epimedium Epimedium koreanum Nakai belongs to the epimedium plant of the Berberidaceae family. The medicinal part is the dry above-ground part, which mainly contains chemical components such as flavonoids, lignans, alkaloids, polysaccharides, and volatile oils. The main component icariin can significantly increase the development of accessory sexual organs in young mice and promote the basal secretion of testosterone in isolated rat testicular interstitial cells. Further research showed that this effect works through the cAMP pathway [22]. Icariin can also directly relax the smooth muscle of the corpus cavernosum in rabbits. Its mechanism is related to the NO-cGMP signaling pathway, especially inhibiting cGMP metabolism, thereby relaxing the corpus cavernosum and enhancing penile erection. 12.Cnidium monnieri Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cuss. is a plant of the genus Cnidium in the Umbelliferae family. The fruit is used as medicine and mainly contains coumarins, chromones, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, terpenols and various glycosides. Compounds etc. Oosthole is the main active ingredient of Cnidoma monnieri. It can antagonize the thyroid inhibitory effect of propylthiouracil, prevent the occurrence of "kidney-yang deficiency", and has the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang [24]. Yuan Juanli et al.[25] studied the effects of osthole on androgen levels and nitric oxide synthase activity in castrated young male rats and found that osthole could increase androgen levels, gonadotropin content and nitric oxide synthase activity in ovariectomized rats. The activity of nitric oxide synthase indicates that osthole has androgen-like and gonadotropin-like effects. 13.Shayuanzi Astragalus complanatus R. Br. belongs to the dry and mature seeds of the leguminous plant Astragalus membranaceus. It mainly contains sterols, amino acids, tannins, phenols, terpenes, flavonoids and alkaloids. Shayuanzi can significantly increase the sperm count, sperm motility rate, and prostate and seminal vesicle index in spermatogenic disorder model rats and mice; at the same time, it can significantly reduce the number of sperm abnormalities, increase serum testosterone (T) content, and reduce luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels; moreover, it can significantly increase the body temperature and the number of spontaneous activities in kidney-yang deficiency model mice, prolong the survival time of low-temperature swimming, increase testicles, and increase the seminal vesicle index. It has the functions of nourishing the kidney and strengthening essence, It has the function of warming yang, dispersing cold, and replenishing essence and qi. 15.Sanqi Panax notoginseng (Burk) F. H. Chen is a plant of the Araliaceae family. Its medicinal parts are underground rhizomes. It contains saponins, volatile oils, flavonoids, sterols, polyacetylenols, sugars, amino acids and other chemical components. Three of them Seven total saponins have significant pharmacological effects in hypoxia resistance, anti-aging, and improving the body's immunity. By comparing the pharmacological effects of ginseng saponins and notoginseng saponins, it was found that notoginseng saponins have a weight-increasing effect on the accessory sex organs, prostate and seminal vesicles of castrated young male rats, and have a certain androgen-like effect. 16. Morinda officinalis Morinda officinalis How belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Its fleshy root is one of the four major southern medicines in my country. Its chemical components include anthraquinone compounds, iridoid glycosides, organic acids, sugars, and glycosides. , amino acids, etc. Among them, anthraquinone compounds are the main components, and the free anthraquinone in anthraquinone compounds mainly has a tonic effect [1]; Drosophila sexual vitality experiments and larval emergence rate experiments show that Morinda officinalis oligosaccharides have obvious kidney-tonifying effects Aphrodisiac effect[2]. Its aphrodisiac effect is mainly to improve the response of the pituitary gland to luteinizing hormone (LRH) and the ovary to luteinizing hormone (LH), and enhance the luteinizing function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary [3]; it can also reduce the brain's Medium Rt value of M receptors weakens the reactivity of parasympathetic nerve-M receptor-cGMP system. 17.Fadogia agrestis (Schweinf. Ex Hiern) Rubiaceae plant Fadogia agrestis, the rhizome is used as medicine, mainly contains alkaloids and saponins, and a small amount of anthraquinone and flavonoids. Rhizome aqueous extract can repair sexual function impairment in animals, especially those caused by hypotestosteronemia. The aphrodisiac mechanism may be to increase the concentration of testosterone in the blood. Conclusion In recent years, with the continuous in-depth research on the chemical components of medicinal plants and their biological activities, the therapeutic effects and efficacy have attracted more and more attention and recognition from the world, and have also brought hope for the treatment and even cure of many diseases. At present, the research on aphrodisiac medicinal plants is not very comprehensive. Most of the research work mainly studies the extracts of a certain part of the plant or the whole plant. But which components exert the aphrodisiac effect? ​​Is it a single component or a single component? Issues such as the joint production of therapeutic effects by multiple ingredients still need to be resolved. Therefore, systematic and in-depth research on natural drugs with aphrodisiac effects has broad prospects. Mobile Phone: 86 18691558819 Irene@xahealthway.com www.xahealthway.com  https://healthway.en.alibaba.com/ Wechat: 18691558819 WhatsApp: 86 18691558819