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The relationship between NAD+ and aging

Research shows thatNAD+ plays a key role in fighting aging. It affects many biological processes associated with aging, including DNA repair, gene expression and mitochondrial function. DNA repair: Research has found that NAD+ helps maintain the stability of our DNA and helps repair damaged DNA. A key experiment was to increase NAD+ levels in aged mice. The results showed that the speed of DNA repair was significantly increased and the accumulation of DNA damage was reduced.

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Gene Expression: NAD+ can also affect gene expression, especially genes related to longevity and health. By maintaining normal gene activity, it helps slow down the aging process. One experiment showed that by increasing NAD+ levels, the researchers observed gene expression patterns in older mice that more closely resembled those of younger mice.

Mitochondria function: Mitochondria are the energy producers within the cell, and NAD+ is essential for maintaining mitochondrial function. Experimental research shows that increasing NAD+ levels helps improve mitochondrial function and provide more energy. This improvement was confirmed both in aged mice and in vitro cell experiments.

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a derivative and coenzyme of vitamin B3 found in every cell in the body. It is an important raw material that determines the lifespan of cells in the body. Promote cell regeneration, restore cells at the DNA level, slow down the aging process and delay the onset of various age-related diseases

The body can produce NAD+ on its own, but the levels of NAD+ produced decrease as we age. Directly affects the function of cells and various organs begin to deteriorate. This is a cause of aging. including deterioration in brain function and memory

It is important to increase NAD+ levels in the body. Restores cell strength. Slow aging with NAD+ IV therapy delivered directly into blood vessels. Helps the body repair quickly. In particular, the brain does not have to go through the digestive tract for absorption.

Why is NAD+ so important for youth?

Although the body can naturally produce NAD+, by the age of 40, the amount of NAD+ in the body will reduce to 50%, and gradually decrease year by year until only 0%-10% is left. When the body lacks NAD+ or has no NAD+ left, the body will At the same time as you look older, the DNA levels of your cells will gradually degrade, leading to aging.

When NAD+ returns to the body, various chronic diseases ensue. It is important to allow the cells in the body to work better and help burn fat. Helps increase body energy and reduces risk of degenerative or aging diseases. Helps the body stay young. And youth will last longer than before, the rate of aging, degeneration or aging will slow down and the quality of life will improve. What if I tell you again: It is feasible to some extent to rejuvenate and prolong life? For example, the person below——

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By supplementing this “elixir of life – NMN", he, who is over fifty years old, has returned to the state of his twenties and thirties. Not only that, but many Nobel Prize winners have endorsed it.

If you want to be “immortal”, you cannot do without two enzymes in the body: Sirtuns (longevity enzyme) and PARP1 (gene repair enzyme). But in many cases, enzymes cannot work independently and need someone to assist them.

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The auxiliary site of these two enzymes is NAD+, or “coenzyme” for short. However, as age increases, the synthesis efficiency of NAD+ decreases year by year. At this time, we need to supplement NAD+.

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NMN is one of the raw materials that supplements NAD+. Compared with other raw materials (NR, niacin), NMN can be directly converted into NAD+ in one step, and it has become increasingly popular in the past two years.

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Post time: Apr-21-2024